Industrial Hygiene

Following are our Industrial Hygiene service:-

Industrial hygiene is basically about the anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control of Environment conditions that may have adverse effects.

  • Recognition of possible health hazard in the work area.
  • Evaluation of hazards: It is process of assessing exposure and concluding level of risk to the human health
  • Prevention and Control of hazards. It is the process of developing and implementing strategies to eliminate or reduce.

Occupational risk assessment is a method for estimating health risks from exposure to various levels of a workplace hazard. Understanding how much exposure to a hazard poses health risks to workers is important to appropriately eliminate, control, and reduce those risks. The aim of a risk assessment is to answer three basic questions:

    • What can happen?
    • How likely is it to happen?
    • What are the consequences if it does happen?

A process to conduct the risk of exposure to the agents for each job title/activity developed during the basic characterization.

To determine the adequacy of engineering controls and work practices along with selection of the least hazardous materials that meet performance needs.

Both qualitative and quantitative methods can used. Qualitative methods alone are often sufficient without actual exposure measurements, based on contaminant characteristics, controls, proximity and duration of potential exposure.

Air monitoring and other environmental sampling are conducted using NIOSH and OSHA methods when available.

  • Noise Mapping & Dosimetry Program

To identify noise hazards and protect all employees who have a potential to develop noise induced hearing loss.
Sound Level Meterinstrumentused to measure noise. Worker exposure surveys including area noise measurements, personal dosimeter, &noise mapping is a part of noise mapping program.

  • Vibration Monitoring-

A vibration monitoring system is used to measure one or more parameters to identify machine health changes. Monitoring these parameters help identifying early faults like imbalance, bearing faults, looseness, misalignment, and others

Conditions involving high air temperatures, radiant heat sources, high humidity, direct physical contact with hot objects, or physical activities have a high potential for inducing heat stress in employees engaged in such operations. Such places include metallurgy and ferrous industry, nonferrous foundries, brick-firing, & ceramic plants, glass unit’s facilities, etc.

  • Outdoor operations in hot weather, i.e. construction, refining, asbestos removal, and hazardous waste site activities, especially those that require workers to wear semipermeable or impermeable protective clothing, are also likely to cause heat stress among exposed workers.

Form-37 is Register containing particulars of monitoring of working environment required under Section 7-A (a) (e).

Form -26 A IS to measure dust/fume –extraction system prescribed as per rule-102

This is a  tool where you collect and analyze information about your PPE standards, practices and procedures. PPE audits are typically done through direct observation at your health care setting as well as through the review of important policies

  • Workplace survey
  • Selection of appropriate controls
  • Selection of appropriate PPE
  • Fitting
  • Training
  • Management support
  • Maintenance
  • Auditing of the program
  • PPE should be selected based primarily on the hazards identified during the assessment. However, employers should also take the fit and comfort of PPE into consideration when selecting appropriate items for each employee. PPE that fits well and is comfortable to wear will encourage employee use of PPE.

    We will conduct site survey and identify use of PPEs and followed by training programme for the same and based on that we will suggest right PPE to be select.


    • Effectiveness check for Local Exhaust Ventilation &General Ventilation system is part of monitoring.
  • Industrial ventilation involves the use of supply and exhaust ventilation system to control emissions of dust, exposures, and chemical hazards in the workplace. Normally, nonindustrial ventilation systems comprise as heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems were built to control temperature, humidity, and odors.

    • Effectiveness check for Local Exhaust Ventilation &General Ventilation system is part of monitoring.
  • OSHA
  • HSE
  • The Factories Act—1948